
Routine appointments

All appointment requests are now triaged via eConsult. This is helping us to prioritise patients clinical need and ensures you are treated by the most appropriate clinician. We will respond by text, phone, email, video or face to face consultation, whichever is the most appropriate.

We will contact you by the end of the next working day at the latest, and help you get the right help, with the right person, at the right time.

Appointment requests for patients under 18, or those unable to submit an online form, can still be made via telephone or by presenting to reception.

Click here for eConsult

Lateness policy

If you are more than ten minutes late for your appointment, you may need to re-book.  This is to ensure that other patients are not delayed, and because most problems cannot be adequately managed in anything less than the already restricted consultation time.

Urgent Appointments

On the day appointment requests are also made via eConsult which you can access here: Click here for eConsult

Simply answer a few questions regarding your health concern or query. Our team will triage the request and get in contact in due course, booking you into the most clinically appropriate appointment with the most suitable healthcare professional to meet your needs.

Cancelling your appointment

It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to cancel your appointment persistently we may remove you from the list.

The quickest way to cancel your appointment is via our online form, using the NHS App or Patient Access App or their respective websites.

Extended Access

Extended access

We offer additional appointments with a GP, Practice Nurse or Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) from 6:30pm to 8pm on Monday to Thursday.

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long term plan, with all general practices being required to be in a network by June 2019.
The networks have expanded neighbourhood teams which comprise of a range of staff such as GPs, pharmacists, physician associates, advanced nurse practitioners, joined by social care and the voluntary sector.

Marine Lake Practice are members of Healthier West Wirral Primary Care Network, along with

Heswall and Pensby Group Practice

Commonfield Surgery

Upton Group Practice

Greasby group Practice

West Wirral Group Practice

This allows us to offer extended access appointments. These appointments will fall outside of normal opening hours and may be at any of the six practices within our PCN.

Home Visits

Patients are requested, where possible, to telephone before 11am if a housebound visit is required that day. Housebound visit requests are triaged to ensure that they are clinically appropriate. Housebound visits occur for those patients who genuinely are not able to leave their home. It is the doctors decision whether a housebound visit is clinically appropriate.

On average five to six patients can be seen in surgery in the time it takes to do a single housebound call. In addition, the care that can be offered due to the lack of adequate lighting, examination facilities and equipment means that you may not receive as good a service as the doctor may be able to offer if you came to the surgery.

Please note that the doctor may telephone you or use a video consultation rather than visit you if this is medically appropriate. Ultimately it is the doctors right to decide whether or not a visit is appropriate for a particular set of circumstances.