Patient Q&A




  1. Why did the Practice need to be relocated?

The old site at the Concourse was not able to meet the future needs of our

patient population. Although centrally located, there was no scope for the premises to expand or change with the growing population and needs of our patients.

The premise environment far from ideal for staff or patients due to the limited natural light and aging council building. Planning permission for the new building was granted many years ago ……before the neighbouring flats were built!

Given the opportunity to expand the practice at the new Health & Wellbeing Centre (NHS Trust building), and the opportunity to utilise staff in a more effective way on the site, means that the relocation of the practice not only supports the sustainability of services but also provides resilience to the practice teams.


  1. What are the benefits of moving to the new site?

The Marine Lake Health and Wellbeing Centre is a NHS Trust purpose-built primary care facility that has been built opposite the Concourse surgery site.

The building is managed by the NHS Community Trust. Marine Lake & Estuary Medical Practice are tenants of the building (shared space with other NHS Services)

The surgery has space to accommodate the relocation of the surgery and with the

new layout at the premises, will have ample space for the future needs of both Marine Lake & Estuary Patients and other services the NHS Community Trust will offer from the new building.

By sharing the space, it may also mean in the future that the Health & Wellbeing Centre will be able to offer enhanced or different services to their patient populations as they will be able to make more efficient use of space and staff.

As part of the NHS, we wish to be as cost effective as possible and provide value for money to the commissioners as well as our patients.



  1. How will this impact on Marine Lake & Estuary Practice and patients?

The relocation of the surgery will mean that patients should experience minimal disruption to appointments and services. Following the planned relocation there is not expected to be any negative impact on the patients of Marine Lake & Estuary Medical Centre and We hope that patients will feel positive about the relocation as it should mean improved premises and the potential for additional services.


  1. Will I need to re-register with the practice due to the relocation?

No, you will not be required to re-register with Marine Lake & Estuary Medical Practice as a result of the relocation. Your registration and medical records will be transferred to the new premises. You will continue to access and receive healthcare services as you normally do, albeit from a new location.


  1. Will I get the same GP services I currently receive at the new site?

The same GP services provided to patients by the Marine Lake & Estuary Practice will be provided at the new practice premises. The premises is a purpose-built healthcare facility, a new build. We hope to further improve your experience at the new surgery by offering more services locally and working with the community trust. The new building will have a 0-19 service and a Cardiology service, run by the NHS Community Trust, which are new services.


  1. What will happen to my medical records?

All patients have digital medical records. Our IT system will transfer to the new premises, allowing our team to continue to access your medical records without disruption. The NHS in Wirral has moved to recording and storing all records digitally. However, any remaining paper records will be stored securely and will be accessible if the need arises.


  1. Do the new premises cater for the disabled?

The new building provides disabled access for patients and visitors. The GP practice occupies the ground and first floor with lift access with the premises and consulting rooms featuring wider doors. There are disabled parking bays, lower reception desks, disabled toilets, plus a hearing loop facility.


  1. Will I still be able to make an appointment to see my usual doctor or nurse?

Yes. We very much value all of the one to one relationships our patients have with our doctors and nurses. It is expected that the new premises will further increase our ability to provide you with continuity of care and access to your usual doctor and/or nurse.  We also expect to be able to provide you with a highly skilled doctors and nurses if your usual doctor or nurse is absent from work or unable to offer a suitable appointment.

(Please note you may need to wait a little longer to see a preferred member of staff and when available appointments become available)


  1. Will there be changes made to the way I book appointments?

No. We are not currently anticipating any changes to the way you book appointments, and you will therefore continue to be able to book these in the same way as you do now.

As currently, we will also continue to contact all of our patients who require scheduled vaccinations, chronic disease reviews or routine screening appointments e.g. cervical screening tests, etc.


  1. Will the usual surgery opening times stay the same?

Yes, there will be no changes to our core opening times.

Monday to Thursday 8am to 8pm and Friday 8am to 6.30pm


  1. Will there be any changes to how I access the GP out of hours service?

No. In order to access a GP when the practice is closed, you will still continue to

telephone the NHS 111 service and they will either signpost you to the most appropriate service or arrange for you to access a GP.

  1. Will the Surgery be losing staff?

There are no plans to reduce staffing levels, we are actually recruiting more people and by using of the new space available to us, we hope to be able to provide better services to our patients and attract more staff to work with us.


  1. How will the new arrangement benefit GPs and Nurses at the practice?

Our GPs, Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers will all have access to a pool of clinical knowledge and expertise to draw upon and we will have far greater opportunities to specialise in new services.

We also anticipate that the current level of administrative tasks that our clinical staff perform will be dramatically reduced, therefore allowing them more time to spend on responding to and delivering the clinical care our patients need.

We will also be able to better cover any planned or unplanned absences which we hope will alleviate the resulting pressures felt by remaining staff.

We also anticipate that all staff will be provided with greater opportunities for

enhanced training and career development.


  1. Do we still have a Defibrillator and BP Machine in the new building?

Yes they will be available for patient use in the new Health & Wellbeing Centre.


  1. Will I have to go to another GP Practice site for consultations and/or treatments?

No. However, if in the future we feel that being seen at one of the other practices within the Primary Care Network provides a better or more appropriate service for specific patients – for example a particular doctor may specialise in COPD or diabetes – you may be asked if you would like to attend there in order to access more specialised care if this is appropriate and you choose this option.


  1. I have further questions I would like to ask and / or comments I would like to make. How do I do this?

You can put these in writing for the attention of the Practice Manager at the new practice address. You can also contact the PPG at, but please note we cannot intervene in patient specific medical matters.



DATE 1 June 2023